Thursday 14 February 2013

Ponzi Schemes Built on People Always Crash Too

Singaporeans are raring to do
something extraordinary: protest.

That might not seem like a big deal with the Arab Spring
uprisings; Chinese journalists taking to the streets; and
thousands of typically docile Japanese rallying against
government policies. But tropical Singapore is the land of quiet
brooding, where mass street demonstrations are as common as

What has people so riled up? Well, people. The impetus for
the Feb. 16 march is a report that the tiny island’s population
may rise by as much as 30 percent to 6.9 million by 2030. This
seems to be the government’s answer to the question of how to
sustain prosperity in one of the most crowded and expensive
cities in the world.

The signs of overcrowding and urban stress are palpable to
any visitor. Prices are surging, public services in a nation
famed for nanny-state tendencies are slipping and some of the
finest infrastructure anywhere is bucking under the strain.
Locals blame the influx of immigrants, which Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s ruling party touts as one key to Singapore’s
success in the years to come.

The city-state, with about half the area of New York City,
has 3.3 million citizens and 2 million foreign residents, many
of whom have contributed greatly to Singapore’s growth in
finance and construction. Yet complaints that overseas workers
deprive locals of jobs and drive up housing prices fill the air.
Singapore is the third-most-expensive Asian city and ranks as
the sixth most costly in the world, according to an Economist
Intelligence Unit ranking of 131 cities.

Case Study

Singapore may well serve as a case study for what happens
when leaders try to offset slowing economic growth with
immigration and increased birth rates. There are lessons that
Japan or Italy would do well to study. All of it is turning into
a political liability for Lee, the son of Lee Kuan Yew, who is
regarded as the father of modern Singapore.

The erosion in his party’s popularity is accelerating after
the release Jan. 29 of a white paper that contained the 6.9
million figure, which it calls a projection, not a goal. Lee
Hsien Loong has since said the number of people will be
“significantly” lower than the report suggests. Will
Singaporeans buy that?

“The new population policy is anti-Singaporean and it
threatens our existence and livelihoods,” says Gilbert Goh, 51,
an advocate for unemployed citizens and an organizer of a
protest planned for this week.

Sadly, some of the rants one reads in the media and online
veer toward xenophobia. If Singaporeans are so livid, they
should stop supporting Lee’s party. After all, isn’t the
government, by seeking to import more human capital, telling its
own people that they lack the skills to compete? Anyone who
doubts Singapore is serious only has to look at accelerating
efforts to reclaim land from the sea for development, giving the
city the room for population growth.

The real question, as public angst rises, is whether the
opposition is justified. Former United Nations demographer
Joseph Chamie says it is. To Chamie, the view that it’s almost
always better to have more and more people is the human
equivalent of what Bernard Madoff did with money, something he
calls “Ponzi demography.”

The human-pyramid scheme works like this: Population
growth, either through births or immigration, boosts demand for
goods and services, increases borrowing, boosts tax revenue and
adds to corporate profits. Everything seems grand and leaders
take a bow. It’s a bubble, though, and it eventually bursts when
population growth stalls. Incomes top out, high debt crushes
consumption and investment, the need for public assistance
rises, environmental degradation increases and angry people take
to the streets.

Public Pays

As households are left to pick up the tab once Ponzi
demography runs its course, government leaders issue dire
warnings about economic decline if the flow of fresh talent
stops. This will sound familiar to Singaporeans as Lee’s
People’s Action Party sketches out a dystopian future without
adding wealthy bankers and low-income workers to the nation’s

Singapore needs to find another way. The era of easy growth
is over. Just as economies such as Japan and South Korea are
seeing the limits of their export-led models, Singapore’s
formula has run its course. Raising the productivity of its
current workforce would be more potent for a developed, open
economy looking to compete in a region dominated by the cheap
labor and manufacturing of China and India. Singapore should
focus as much energy on incentives for its existing residents to
innovate and start new businesses as on adding more bodies.

Not only is Singapore toying with liberalized immigration,
it’s also revving up a campaign to persuade Singaporeans to wed
younger and reproduce. It is an odd push for Lee. Four decades
ago, concern about overpopulation prompted his father to urge a
delay in nuptials and to have smaller families. Today, amid a
birthrate of about 1.3 children per woman, efforts to encourage
bigger families border on the offensive. Just check a new
website, “Hey Baby.”

Singapore’s addiction to population growth sends a simple
and disconcerting message: The country has run out of ideas to
increase economic vitality, aside from encouraging people to
procreate or immigrate. Ponzi demography, indeed.

(William Pesek is a Bloomberg View columnist. The opinions
expressed are his own.)

To contact the writer of this article:
William Pesek in Singapore at

To contact the editor responsible for this article:
James Greiff at

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Ponzi Schemes Built on People Always Crash Too

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