Wednesday 27 February 2013

Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan now available in Singapore

About the author

With his grandpa building a tapioca processing plant from scratch, and his dad a spook Engineer, even Michael Tan’s formal title as General Legal counsel for his company (tech product distributor Convergent) can’t overcome his genetic predeposition for tech. Through the years, his mere presence would make tech work–Apple II copy programs would just manage to make the one and only workable copy, QEMM386.SYS would yield that final 3KB needed for Wing Commander and that sticky Fujifilm X100 shutter would affect everyone but him. Leading a technically charmed life, it’s no wonder he goes through life with rose tinted glasses when tech is concerned. It just works for him. He is a member of CNET Asia’s regional blogger network and is not an employee of CNET Asia.

Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan now available in Singapore

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