Friday 22 February 2013

Oasia Singapore, Hotel Spesial untuk Wisatawan Medis

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Kolam renang infinity Oasia Hotel Singapura (Aan/detikTravel)

Singapura – Singapura menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata medis atau kesehatan. Turis datang untuk berobat di berbagai rumah sakit di Singapura. Untuk mengakomodasi mereka, hadirlah Oasia Hotel Singapore untuk para wisatawan medis.

Oasia Hotel Singapura, dikelilingi pusat medis terkemuka di Negeri Singa. Maka tidak kaget, ikon baru hotel dari Far East Organization ini digemari wisatawan medis. detiktravel berkesempatan melongok berbagai fasilitas yang ditawarkan Oasia Hotel Singapore pada Jumat (15/2/2013).

Oasia Hotel berlokasi di 8 Sinaran Drive, Singapura. Letaknya dekat dengan beragam pusat kesehatan di Novena, Singapura seperti National Skin Centre, Novena Medical Centre, Novena Specialist Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital dan Parkway Novena Hospital.

Saat menginjakkan kaki di lobi hotel berlantai 22 ini, suasana hotel terasa tenang dan begitu mempesona. Arsitektur dari bahan kayu, batuan alam dan interior dari kayu mendominasi hiasan-hiasan hotel bintang 4 ini. Resepsionis berjaga 24 jam.

Oasia menawarkan 428 kamar yang terdiri dari 4 club suites, 100 club room, 312 superior dan deluxe rooms, dan 12 special room. Kamar-kamar hotel bertarif mulai SGD 170 (Rp 1,3 juta) itu dirancang elegan dengan perabotan bergaya Asia yang anggun sehingga dapat menjadi akomodasi yang nyaman bagi pasien dan tamu internasional.

“Pengunjungnya dari kalangan medical tourism. Pengunjung sakit yang berobat, check up, dan juga untuk kecantikan,” kata Adrian Ow, Assistant Director of Sales Oasia Hotel Singapore.

Fasilitas kamar dilengkapi AC, koneksi internet, televisi, jam, mesin pembuat kopi dan teh, telepon, tirai, meja, dan minibar. Tempat tidur nan empuk dilengkapi dengan seprai berkualitas tinggi. Fasilitas mandi mencakup jubah mandi, perlengkapan mandi gratis, dan pengering rambut.

Layanan olah raga juga tersedia seperti kolam renang terbuka dan tertutup, lapangan tenis, sauna dan spa. Hotel yang bebas asap rokok ini juga menyediakan beberapa jenis ruang rapat, serta parkir untuk penyandang cacat dan staf multibahasa.

Pengunjung yang hobi berbelanja, dapat berjalan kaki beberapa menit menuju pusat perbelanjaan. Tamu pun bisa naik MRT yang terhubung ke Central Expressway (CTE) dan Pan Island Expressway (PIE).

“Ini hotel pertama yang terhubung ke Stasiun MRT,” ujar Adrian.

Oasia Singapore, Hotel Spesial untuk Wisatawan Medis

Experts see far-reaching benefits from Singapore-KL high-speed rail

Experts see far-reaching benefits from Singapore-KL high-speed rail
By Melissa Goh |
Posted: 22 February 2013 2124 hrs




KUALA LUMPUR : Industry experts in Malaysia are already counting on the multiplier effects from the proposed high-speed rail link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore even before its targeted completion in 2020.

They says the benefits are expected to far-reaching.

The project was jointly announced by the Prime Ministers of Singapore and Malaysia at their recent retreat.

There is still no official word on how much project will cost, but initial industry estimates put the construction and land cost at about US$8 billion.

With those figures in mind, the proposed high-speed rail link between KL and Singapore has sparked excitement among some sectors.

Among the biggest gainers are likely to be property and construction sector companies.

Experts are predicting increased demand for property in the Klang Valley, the southern state of Johor and the possible stops along the route.

Paul Whiteway, COO,, says: “We are seeing it now, and that will continue to increase in the medium to long term. A lot of Singaporeans are buying properties in Malaysia particularly in key areas such as Iskandar, Johor, Klang Valley.”

Other positive effects include increased tourist arrivals and investment from neighbouring Singapore.

Driven by space and manpower constraints, Singapore companies may move their operations to Malaysia as industry clusters emerge.

Analysts say Singapore too will benefit from a rise in talent pool as more Malaysian professionals may opt to work in the island republic when travel time is reduced to just 90 minutes.

This, they add, will help narrow the income gap between the two countries in the long run.

Veena Loh, GM, Malaysia Property Inc says: “You must remember, when Singapore competes for our talent our local companies would also have to raise the incomes of the people to retain the talent, so automatically the incomes of the people here would rise.”

In fact, she believes the benefits of having a high-speed rail link will extend to the whole of ASEAN.

Ms Loh adds: “If you look at the global economy, everything is slowing down around the world. Only Asia is the bright spot in this region. Even China and India are slowing down. If we don’t do something, from where would the revenues be coming in? KL or rather Malaysia and Singapore are actually moving ahead. They are models for the other ASEAN countries – linking these two cities will actually improve us on the global map; it’s the right thing to do.”

While the high-speed rail link is welcomed with open arms by most people in Malaysia as well as across the Causeway, many, especially homebuyers, are worried that with the increased demand, property prices will continue to soar beyond the reach of most Malaysians.

In fact, many doubt the government’s efforts to provide affordable housing will ever meet the demand of low to middle income earners.

- CNA/ch

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Experts see far-reaching benefits from Singapore-KL high-speed rail

Singapore growth exceeds estimates

February 22, 2013 2:59 am

76508 reuters

Singapore growth exceeds estimates